Monday, August 6, 2007

The new confident Ava!!

Ava is so confident now that she crawls and pulls herself up on everything...

dont worry granny Dardis this is mommies headband..Ha Ha!!!
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Sarah Randall said...

What a big girl Ava!

Hannah said...

You look so much like your mommy in that last photo -and its not just the headband!

Uncle Andy said...

ell, here I am, sat in Schipol airport, and the stench from Ava's arse is only just dissipating. Most of my hair has fallen out, and I've lost about 4 stone, (which is a good thing!). How can things so damned lovely create such horrible substances from their orifices?

Love ya Gravy! ;-)

Ava, Gabriella and Maya said...

Thanks for broadcasting that uncle Andy



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