Thursday, February 5, 2009

Having fun in the clothes hamper

Ava was being so great today.. She played with Gabriella for about 20 mins in here...Gabriella just looks at her so adoringly..
Ava actually posed like this herself.. I tried to then get another shot like it with no luck..

How cute do they look if I do say so myself..


Amy said...

OH! So cute....LOVE Ava's ponytail, she looks adorable!

Sarah Randall said...

Love these pictures of our girls!!!!

missmaddie said...


loopylu2009 said...

awe how precious are these 2, i love these pics how long is ava's hair now it seems to have gotten really long hun. just beauitful girls xxx

Debs and Jordans family blog said...

what a great use for a laundry basket. little ones are so so clever. cute pics hugs and kisses nan and grandad xxxxxx

Cyndi Farrare said...

They are so cute!

Ann said...

absolutely love these pictures isn,t it nice to have a little sister to play with Ava the laundry basket was like a boat wasn.t it love you both Granny England xxxx



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