Friday, June 22, 2007

Ava at uncle Andrews

She checked out the remote and got cozy on his recliner
She checked the pressure in his bike!! Very thoughtful..
Then she got accustomed to her travel cot at uncle Andrews.. Looks pretty good..Tad was there for comfort.. Thanks Tad..


Uncle Andy said...

hey Ava, the gears could do with an oiling as well, and if you could re-torque all the nuts I'd be grateful. I'll buy you a beer when I get back!

Uncle Andy said...

...oh, and Ava gets to stay at mine for free, however, there is an supplemental fee for every additional guest, so Tad will have to pay $30 a night, (payable in advance as Tads credit cannot be verified while I am out here!)

Ava, Gabriella and Maya said...




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