Saturday, June 27, 2009

The ice cream shop..

Ava saw the best black bear and LOVED him.. He lived outside the ice cream shop..
She also loved the ice cream..
None for poor Gabriella..

But daddy enjoyed his and helped Ava with hers too..
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loopylu2009 said...

you guys look like you had a great time ava just how tall are you you look really tall and dead cute i love that blue top you really suit that colour, you both look beauitful girls i miss you guys loads xxxxx

Sarah Randall said...

Really? Ava...LOVING a teddy bear? nahh :) looks like a great time Sarah

Debs and Jordans family blog said...

O cool ava. A black bear to go with your white bear. He would have been the best if the ice cream shop didnt have him. That ice cream looks yummy, but why couldn't gabriella have one? You both look like you are having a great time, especially daddy in the lovely warm pool lol. You looking good tony. Nice pic of you too honey. What a great pressy.

missmaddie said...

Great pics! Maddie has the same dress Gabriella is it!!!

Ann said...

ooh wwhat big ice creams did gabriella have a little one You look good Tony and nice to see a picture of you Sarah dont see enough You look like you had a good time Love you all. Granny England



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