Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gabriella's 1 Year Appt..

As we all expected Gabriella was off the charts.. But surprisingly enough she was exactly the same height and weight Ava was pretty much..Ava was 4oz's heavier but the same height..

26Ib's and 9oz's ..
31.5 inches tall...

Gabriella took her first steps at 10 mths and was walking no problems by 11 mths.. She is very willful and has no fear.. She doesnt talk very much just mama and dada.. Wuff is about the size of her vocabulary.. She likes to do anything Ava does and is pretty much Ava's shadow..

We love you little girl and look forward to the next year..

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Ann said...

Didn,t you do well Gabriella you look quite proud of yourself Love You Granny Englandxxx

Debs and Jordans family blog said...

awe dead cute. you are an early walker just like your mummy. kisses



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