Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gabriella's and Ava's friends were there..

Ava and Chloe were so good at letting Gabriella have her day..

Tali was there with her huge mop of hair..

Ava and Liam cozied up having dessert.. They had just eaten their lunch together too.. So cute..


The twins Ainsley and Campbell

Ayden with a lovely expression

And his little sister Josslynn...

Mara Trents sister and sadly no pic of Trent this whole time.. He is like jack flash though..

Connor and below big sister Avery hanging out with Daniel..

Thank you soooo much for making my birthday so special..
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Hannah said...

Had a great time, thanks!!!

Ann said...

You all look like you had a great party . Nice pictures of all the children xxxxx



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