Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial day ..

It was Memorial weekend so daddy was off and we went to Verona Beach..

Here I am playing in the sand.. I loved it..I played here quite happy for 30 minutes... BRILLIANT!!
I tried to help daddy blow up the beach ball.. Mommy got a rather large one by mistake.... OOPS!!!! It was as big as me..
The water felt great today because it was pretty warm..

I had a great day at the beach and later that day we went to Sno Top..Of course no pictures of that.. Mommy forgot the camera..Go figure...
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Kristin said...

What a great day for the beach...and how nice that Tony stayed home!

missmaddie said...

Looks like you had a great day!!

ps can you believe Maddie has that same bathing suit?? :) :)

Amy said...

She is ADORABLE in that swimsuit!



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